The 10 Breast Cancer Myths

breast cancer

The 10 Breast Cancer Myths

In Our Day-To-Day Lives, We Come Across A Lot Of Information About Breast Cancer. The Internet Is A Big Help, But It’s Also Full Of Myths About Breast Cancer Alongside Useful Information. Sometimes, It’s Tough To Figure Out What’s True and What’s Not.

Even Though Breast Cancer Is One Of The Cancers We Hear About The Most, There Are Still A Lot Of Wrong Ideas About It. Unless Someone Has Gone Through It Themselves, Knows Someone Who Has Survived Breast Cancer, Or Is Close To Someone With Breast Cancer, They Might Not Be Able To Tell Myths From Facts.

Let's clear up 10 common myths about breast cancer.

1. Breast Lump = Cancer

Many studies say that up to 80% of breast lumps are not cancerous. It's very common to have non-cancerous breast conditions, like fibrosis or cysts.

2. If A Lump is painful, It's Not Cancer

Actually, 2-7% of people with a painful breast lump end up being diagnosed with breast cancer.

3. Only Older Women Get Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can affect younger women and men too. 1 in every 25 cases of invasive breast cancer is found in women under 40.

4. Most Breast Cancer Is Hereditary

Most people who get breast cancer don't have a family history of it, which means other factors like environment and lifestyle play a big role.

5. Deodorant/Antiperspirant Causes Breast Cancer

There's no solid proof that deodorants or antiperspirants cause breast cancer.

6. Men Don't Get Breast Cancer

Men might not think of themselves as having breasts, but they do have breast tissue. So, yes, men can get breast cancer too!

7. One Should Avoid Sugar and Soy If Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

There's no proof that eating sugar or soy affects breast cancer in any clinical way.

8. Self-screening Is The Most Important Factor In Early Diagnosis

While self-screening is recommended, it should go hand in hand with regular check-ups from your cancer doctor, not replace them.

9. Carrying Your Cell Phone In Your Bra Can Cause Breast Cancer.

There's no proof that cell phones cause breast cancer, but their safety is still being checked.

10. Breast Cancer Is Contagious (Spreads By Air, Drinking From The Same Cup As Someone Else, Etc.).

While self-screening is recommended, it should go hand in hand with regular check-ups from your cancer doctor, not replace them.

After Going Through The Long Journey Of Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, Everyone Looks Forward To Returning To Normal Life. But The Reality Can Be Quite Different and Adjusting To Life After Surviving Breast Cancer Can Take Time.


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